Ada Environmental Network

Mission and Vision: The Ada Environmental Network (AEN) is a collaboration between community stakeholders, government bodies, and non-governmental organizations in both Ada East and West established to protect the environment, promote stronger health and sanitation practices, and build the resiliency of the area together to ensure people and nature are in harmony for generations to come. Using multiple platforms including email, WhatsApp, and in-person workshops, the Ada Environment Network co-creates policies and procedures and problem- solves solutions to current, ongoing, and future risks to the environment and people.

This group is action-based with a focus on reporting environmental hazards and violations through the group platforms to alert authorities and other members to end destructive practices such as deforestation, open defecation, plastic pollution, sea turtle hunting, and tributary obstruction.

We know that each community faces many of the same challenges, and we believe that together we can establish stronger implementation and enforcement strategies to ensure the environment and all its inhabitants live peacefully together with a shared understanding of responsibility and stewardship.